Kamis, 13 Mei 2010

Joomlashack News: Get Scribe SEO for Joomla

Joomlashack and the Joomlabook
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Hi Rogers,

Joomlashack is excited to announce the release of Scribe for Joomla.

Download Scribe for Joomla.

Scribe for Joomla is an SEO service that analyzes your content and tells you how you can make it better for search engines and get ranked higher.

When you install the free Scribe for Joomla extension, you can analyze your articles to improve their SEO copywriting - with the click of a button.

The analysis shows you what search engines think your article is about, and then suggests and guides you to make it better. Its like having an SEO copywriting expert standing by your shoulder, helps you optimize your content faster and easier.

Its not a tool to tweak SEF url's, its a powerful editorial assistant to help you write better copy for search engines!

The API key you’ll receive when you subscribe allows you to tap into the Scribe content optimization algorithm from your Joomla backend. Or you can optimize content for any platform with Scribe’s web version.

It’s like having an SEO expert as an editorial assistant.

Check out Scribe for Joomla and our video review!

Get 20% off one of our SEO templates!

If you are concerned about SEO, you need a great template foundation as well as a tool like Scribe. Use the coupon jsseo to get 20% off any of our SEO-framework templates: eBusiness, Community, AppBox or Verdant.

Get Social!

Joomla People is the latest addition to the official family of Joomla websites, a new Social Community powered by Jomsocial.

Within just a few hours of its launch today, Joomla People quickly had over 500 members register, and lots of great groups and discussions starting.

Head on over and check it out, be sure to look out for the Joomlashack Group (say hi!). You'll be able to find all of our team there, come join us!

Get 30% off a Jomsocial Template

Do you use Jomsocial? To celebrate the great new community site at joomla.org we have 30% off our Jomsocial-styled templates - Community and Appbox. Usethe coupon jspeople to get your discount!


The Joomlashack Team

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