Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

Joomlashack News: Turn your website into a BIG money maker

Joomlashack News and Tips

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Hi Rogers,

Let's face it. Running a website can be expensive. Hosting fees, design fees, salaries, etc. It can add up fast! That's why so many websites & blogs these days rely on banner ad revenue--it really helps offset the costs of running a professional website AND can help you earn a nice living doing what you love to do.

You may have noticed that a lot websites have Google Adsense Ads on them. For some highly-trafficked websites, this seems like a pretty good choice to help generate ad revenue. It's simple to set up, and easy to administer. But the dirty little secret about Google Adsense is that the majority of website publishers who use it make very little money.And some make no money at all--even the ones you see that have a million Google ads on their site. Isn't your site's traffic worth more than 1 cent per click?

Additionally, there really isn't a lot of control over who Google will allow to advertise on your site. Imagine, a competitor or an enemy advertising on YOUR site....ridiculous, huh? Well, it happens with Google Ads!

iJoomla Ad Agency Component: Sell ad space on your Joomla website for a premium price! Make more $$$

That's why we all love iJoomla's Ad Agency componentso much here at Joomlashack. It puts the advertising power in the website owner's hands, where it belongs! YOU control the price of the ads you want on your site, the ad packages you want to offer (CPM, CPC, or flat rate), the size of the ads (125x125, 300x250, 728x90, 468x60, text ads and more!), and who can advertise on your site!

iJoomla Ad Agency was created specifically for Joomla so no bridges or Joomlashack Universityhacks are necessary. It works right out of the box and supports all standard ad types and ANY AD SIZE at all. With iJoomla Ad Agency, you can have:

* Unlimited ads/banners (all sizes)
* Unlimited ad zones
* Unlimited advertisers
* Unlimited campaigns
* Unlimited packages

You can even easily style your ads with CSS borders and colors in the Ad Agency backend. Your ads will match your site perfectly. It's simple to set up yet powerful enough to run on the biggest websites.

And Ad Agency is Search Engine Friendly--it works perfectly with one of our premium SEO-friendly templates like Verdant, AppBox, or eBusiness.

Special Offer for Joomlashack customers

iJoomla Ad Agency is quickly becoming THE ad rotation component to have on your Joomla website. Thousands of Joomla websites, big & small, are using Ad Agency right now to monetize their websites.Wouldn't you like to make more money with your own website? Then you NEED iJoomla Ad Agency! And right now, you can save $20 off the price by using our exclusive iJoomla Coupon Code...

iJoomla is offering a $20 OFF coupon to Joomlshack customers who purchase iJoomla Ad Agency in the next few days.

Here's the coupon code to use at iJoomla's checkout page: jsagency

Hurry, Rogers--This special promotion will end this Wednesday, July 14 at 11:59 pm EST! Grab Ad Agency now for just $79.99 (reg. price is $99.99) before the coupon expires!


On behalf of the entire Joomlashack Team...

Warm Regards,

Shawn Fields

Director of Marketing

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